China Mac Joins Artist Mistah F.A.B. to Promote Unity Between Black and Asian Communities

By Ryan General
Rapper and activist China Mac recently met with artist Mistah F.A.B. to promote unity between Asian and Black communities amid the rise of violent attacks toward elderly Asians in San Francisco and Oakland, California.
Having seen the disturbing videos of the recent attacks, both artists hope that these incidents will not cause a divide between their respective communities, KPIX reports.
“As a person of a community we cannot allow anybody to come into our communities and do this to our elderly,” Mac said. “To do this to our grandmothers and our grandfathers we can’t allow that anymore.”
“We’re having our own conversations within the Asian community but there’s not enough conversations being had with people of other communities, specifically with the Black community,” he added.
Mistah F.A.B. has even taken to Instagram to express solidarity with Asians after seeing the video of an assault that killed an elderly Thai man in San Francisco. The suspect of the crime, identified as Antoine Watson, has pleaded not guilty, NextShark previously reported.
“I can feel the frustration, the rage, the hurt, the hate and everything that that could bring up,” F.A.B. shared.
The video earned praise from Asian social media users, who appreciated that he spoke up for them.
F.A.B. further explained his position during his recent interview with KPIX: “There are many people that stand in solidarity with us, against our adversity, and our obstacles that we fight as Black people. And here, it is our turn to show that we’re in solidarity with our Asian brothers and sisters.”
“It is not the conversations of our enemies that worry me. It is the silence of our friends. When it’s all said and done it’s only one race and that’s the human race,” he added.
The pair sat down at F.A.B.’s store Dope Era in downtown Oakland to find ways to promote unity between Asian and Black communities.
Feature Image via fabbydavisjr1
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