China finds water in lunar soil in groundbreaking discovery

China finds water in lunar soil in groundbreaking discoveryChina finds water in lunar soil in groundbreaking discovery
via Tahamie Farooqui on Unsplash
Chinese scientists discovered molecular water (H2O) in lunar soil samples brought back to Earth by the Chang’e-5 probe, marking the first time this form of water was found in physical samples from the moon.
  • The discovery: The samples were retrieved at 43.1 degrees latitude, a region previously thought unsuitable for molecular water. The water was found within a new mineral, ULM-1, stabilized by ammonia. This could be a potential resource for lunar habitation, supporting China’s ambitions in space exploration, including plans to build a research base on the moon. The discovery has been celebrated in China, with many highlighting the nation’s scientific advancements and its goal to become a leading space power.
  • Previous findings: This finding aligns with NASA’s previous SOFIA telescope detection of water on the lunar surface in 2020, though it could not be confirmed with physical samples at the time. NASA and Indian spacecrafts previously detected signs of water on the moon’s surface, primarily in the form of ice and water molecules, mostly located at the poles. China has also found water trapped in glass beads containing hydroxyl, which solar winds could potentially transform into water. The new findings open possible avenues for extracting water on the moon.
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