CEO of Sugar Baby Site Offers to Pay for Abortions and Travel Costs After Ban

By Bryan Ke
Brandon Wade, the CEO of SeekingArrangement, a dating site that connects “sugar babies, daddies, and mommies” to find “mutually beneficial relationships,” is offering to pay the fees required for those who need clinical abortion.
In the video Wade posted on YouTube, he explained that his girlfriend Zoe and her sister, both from Gadsden, Alabama, wept after hearing that the state had passed an abortion ban last month, which totally bans any stage of gestation, according to Yahoo News.
“I asked Zoe, ‘Why can’t someone from Alabama simply travel to a neighboring state where abortion is legal to get one?'” Wade said in the video. “’Many simply cannot afford to do so,’ she said. Alabama’s anti-abortion law is designed to hurt the weakest and poorest amongst us.”
“This new law is a blatant attack on the weakest in our nation and it is designed to keep the poor poor,” he continued, adding, “if lawmakers will not step in and help these desperate women, then I will.”
Through the charity they will launch, Fight Against Poverty, Wade and Zoe will work together “so that when any state makes the decision to deny women the right to make choices about her body, we can help.”
What the company will do basically is to pay and coordinate all the traveling needs of the candidate who will receive the funding after going through an application process, said Kimberly De La Cruz, a spokesperson for SeekingArrangement, told Refinery29. They will also cover all the procedure cost without the need to be a member of the dating site.
The restrictive bans and measures have also already been passed in other states such as Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and Ohio, according to Aljazeera.
Featured image (left) screenshot via YouTube / Seeking, (right) via Instagram / askbrandonwade
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