Loving Asian Dad Rush Delivers Mangoes to His Daughter When She Forgets to Take Them to College

Cecilia Li, 19-year-old student at UCLA and fruit enthusiast, and her dad are going viral for their endearing story of mangoes and fatherly love.

Li, who had begun taking summer courses at UCLA, regularly visits her family in San Diego when not in school. Last weekend, she drove down to San Diego to see them on Saturday, but had to rush back on Sunday morning for a class later that day.
It was on her way that she realized she had forgotten the mangoes that her father had carefully cut up for her to take on her trip back to school. Unfortunately, she would be late to class if she turned back for her favorite fruit, so she had to fruitlessly press on.
“We’re a big fruit family,” Li told BuzzFeed News. Li was therefore grateful for her father’s gesture, all the more meaningful as her time with him had been limited. “My dad works weekends, so I didn’t get to see him too much.”

Forgetting the mangoes her dad had lovingly prepared for her was disheartening. “I was so disappointed that I almost wanted to turn back,” she said, although her mom told her not to.
Hearing how upset Li was over the mangoes, her dad decided to mail the fruit to her so that she could enjoy it after all.

On Tuesday, Li came home from class to a surprise on her doorstep — a box, full of ice packs and delicious, delicious mangoes, still just as fresh as they were on Saturday.

“I had never been happier nor more amused that I had mangoes cut, packaged, and shipped with love,” Li said. “Needless to say, they were gone within minutes.”

Li took to Twitter to share the tale of her father’s love.
Netizens agreed that Li’s father did indeed deserve the Dad of the Year Award…
…and that this one received the Best Mango Pun Award.
What do you think? Is this story super sweet or overripe? Let us know in the comments!
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