‘Camping With Dogs’ is the Instagram You Never Knew You Needed

Camping With Dogs is the go-to Instagram account to get your daily fix of cute canines and scenic nature landscapes. The #CampingWithDogs campaign is intended to encourage dog owners to take their best friend and companions on hikes and camping trips with them. Looking for more info on tent camping? Learn more from Techie Camper’s guides.

Created by Ryan Carter, the owner of a social media agency in Nashville, Tennessee, the Instagram account has gained over 71,000 followers and mentioned in over 43,000 hashtags. He told Yahoo! Travel that he has received approximately 50,000 photos since he launched the account in January of this year.

Just last week, Carter helped organize the first national Camping with Dogs Day on September 5 and asked people to share their photos. Anyone is welcome to participate, and all people need to do is take their loyal best friend on a hike or go camping with them. Instagram users can then tag their pictures with @campingwithdogs #campingwithdogs and #NationalCampingWithDogsDay.

On his blog, Carter writes:
“There are dogs then there are dogs that love to hike, camp, kayak and SUP! Camping With Dogs is the latter of the two. We’re a community of people that love having a companion to join us on our outdoor adventures. On September 5, 2015, we are celebrating the first ever National Camping With Dogs Day. National Camping With Dogs Day is a day to celebrate and appreciate our dogs that follow us to the ends of the trail map.”

Life doesn’t get any better than this.

This is how your dog feels about being in the outdoors. 

They are also excellent at cuddling during nap times. 


One happy family. 

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