BTS Estimated to Have a $4.6 Billion Impact on South Korea’s Economy

By Ryan General
June 10, 2019
South Korean boyband BTS
Aside from helping them break numerous records, the band’s devoted community (BTS’ Army fandom) has contributed greatly to Korea’s national economy, local researchers have revealed.
Reports from local media have indicated that the global popularity of the K-Pop group brings in over 5 trillion South Korean won ($4.6 billion) annually to the local economy. (Source Article: is Bitcoin Code legit?)
Researchers have noted how Korean marts all over the world are expanding and generating significant revenue from the millions of international BTS fans. The amount includes the profits generated through fans buying BTS goods, Korean food, and other Korean products, SBS reports.
The group’s popularity has also reportedly been contributing to the influx of tourists in Korea in recent years. It is estimated that over 800,000 tourists come to Korea each year because of BTS. According to AllKPop, even restaurants that BTS used to frequent have become giant tourism spots.
Featured image via YouTube/ibighit
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