Boy Sobs in Joy After Mom Brings Home McDonald’s for the First Time in Months

By Bryan Ke
A boy with mild autism in Singapore has gone viral for his adorable reaction to his first McDonald’s meal in months since the COVID-19 lockdown.
The moment was captured on video on May 18 by Adam Bin Mohammad Irwan’s mother, Madam Wati, according to Stomp.
In her Facebook post, the mother-of-four bought meals for her children from Pioneer Mall as a way to give them a special treat for breaking their fast. In order to keep this a surprise, she put all of the McDonalds food inside red plastic bags.
After seeing the McDonald’s food on their table, Adam immediately burst into tears thinking that his mother wanted to scare him.
As he was eating his chicken nuggets, Adam burst into tears again and thanked his mother repeatedly.
Although this reaction to his favorite nuggets meal is in no doubt heartwarming, his previous reaction to McDonald’s announcement that it will close on April 19 due to Singapore’s circuit breaker period was heartbreaking.
Speaking to Stomp, Madam Wati explained that Adam’s “overreaction” is actually due to his sensory issues and mild autism.
Featured Image Screenshot via WatiWan MayaAdam CyraRysa
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