‘Boba Beer’ Has Become a Thing in Japan

By Carl Samson
Just when you thought
Behold the Tapioca Beer.
The next-level twist in everyone’s favorite boba comes from iBEER LE SUN PALM, which bills it as “Tapioca the Next.”
The drink, inspired by the panaché cocktail — a mix of beer and citrusy soda — comes in four different flavors, namely regular, strawberry, pineapple and kiwi.
SoraNews24, which gave the drink a try after hearing all the rave, described it as a “simple pairing,” but “what a match they were together.”
“Instantly, a ball party kicked off in our mouths, as the beer bubbles sparkled on our tongue, sending out bitter notes while the tapioca balls slid up the straw one after the other,” the outlet said. “The sensation of chewing sweet tapioca while drinking a bitter beer was weirdly wonderful, and if you’re a bit tired of having sweet bubble teas, this is a fantastic new way to enjoy boba.”
The idea of mixing boba and beer has also gone viral on Twitter thanks in part to German user Luka Reineke, who joked that he was “personally offended” about it.
“Japan’s obsession with tapioca has reached beer and as a German I feel personally offended,” he wrote.
The regular “Tapioca the Next” costs 580 yen ($5.35), while those with fruit syrup cost 630 yen ($5.80) each.
The drink is currently available in iBeer Le Sun Palm’s four locations: Shinjuku Mylord, Shibuya Hikarie, Futakotamagawa Rise and Atré Kawasaki.
Other than beer, iBeer Le Sun Palm also offers tapioca with soda and whipped cream, as seen in the image above, for 630 yen ($5.80).
Featured Images via sazaby-league.co.jp
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