Blackhead Extraction Video from Chinese Spa is for Pimple Popping Diehards Only

By Ryan General
Blackheads extraction and pimple-popping videos have become a viral phenomenon for being oddly satisfying to watch.
Despite being disgusting, these cringe-worthy extractions are extremely popular with netizens. These types of videos even have their own popping subreddit on Reddit.
One particularly popular video is from a spa in China which involves the extraction of an incredibly deep, connected network of blackheads embedded within someone’s ear.
In the now-infamous clip, the blackhead is carefully removed with a pair of pointed tip tweezers in almost nine minutes.
The hook that grabs the viewer is that each time it appears, the blackhead appears completely removed — but there is still more to be extracted.
In the end, the patient’s ear is eventually cleared of blackheads, with the procedure leaving large, bleeding holes.
The original YouTube upload has reached over 11 million views. Based on the comments, the video has successfully pleased its audience by providing a very disgusting entertainment.
“Words cannot describe the satisfaction I get when I see the big gaping empty hole. Although I did nothing but watch, I somehow feel heavily involved…” the top commenter on YouTube wrote.
“Anyone else found themselves salivating towards the end? Anyone?… no? Just me?” another one chimed in.
Featured Image via YouTube / 澄熒SPA
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