Bidet Sales Skyrocket 10X Because of Toilet Paper Hoarders

By Maina Chen
Consumers are zooming to bidets as an alternative to panic-bought toilet paper supply plummet from COVID-19 fear.
As toilet paper quantities continue in scarcity and result in violent brawls to obtain a pack, Jason Ojalvo, CEO of New York-based bidet brand Tushy, and Daniel Lalley, communications director for San Francisco-based bidet brand Brondell, are raking in the profits.
“Sales have been up about [tenfold], which is pretty crazy,” Ojalvo says to the NY Post. “Earlier this month it started out, you know, two times [the sales], then it went to three times [the sales] and then boom, like next thing you know it’s tenfold.”
Brondell’s sales also snowballed, as Lalley reports more than a 300% uptick over the past week. The bidet boom appeared after a viral video emerged of Australian TP hoarders duking it out in a toilet tissue free-for-all.
Robert Redfield, Director of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has already expressed no need for healthy Americans to stock up on supplies.
It could be the rise in media footage of said tissue fights, bandwagoning, excess hysteria or as Bloomberg puts it, “a hot new currency,” with Joel Werner, a hedge fund runner for Solitude Capital Management in Hong Kong calling it “a better gift than wine;” nevertheless, the speculation remains.
“Americans make, move and use 34 million rolls of toilet paper… every day,” Tushy markets. “The problem is not just the 54 million trees cut each year to keep up with demand, but also the enormous amounts of water, chemicals, and energy used in the destructive production process of toilet paper.”
“In the midst of this unprecedented toilet paper run, we’re really grateful for the opportunity to provide those who need them with smart solutions for toilet paper replacement,” Lalley tells The Post.
The two burgeoning companies advertise their bidets as eco-friendly alternatives, while the NY Post compiled a hygiene guide that allows you to “MacGyver your own bum washer with a jug and lukewarm water.”
The “Late Show with Stephen Colbert” jumped on to release a spoof, joking about the current low TP situation.
Bidet users who bought the devices beforehand are resting easy, and the Filipino community offers an already long-existing option: the tabo.
Feature Image via Getty
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