Fugitive Gangster Turned Model and Rap Champion Arrested in Sexy Photoshoot Sting

This is the story of a gangster slash fugitive slash male model slash rap battle champion who was, in his own eyes, the most baller underground hustler there is — until he got arrested in the most un-ballerest of ways: the old luxury-swim-trunks-with-sexy-models-photoshoot sting.
Meet 30-year-old British gangster millionaire Ben Fiberesima, who on the streets (and in Australia) is known as Roky Million.
Fiberesima is a known British gangster who was convicted of theft, fraud and weapons charges in 2008. When he failed to show up to his court hearing, a warrant was issued for his arrest and he fled the UK to live as a fugitive in Australia up until 2015, creating the identity of Roky Million in the process.
While he was living on the DL, he began working as a male model, became a financial guru, and was allegedly crowned one of the hottest underground rap battle champions out there.
Over the years he’s been featured in fashion campaigns for Tom Ford, Calvin Klein, Nike and Yves Saint-Laurent. His modeling agency profile describes him as a gifted rapper who was “crowned UK Underground rap battle champion 11 times,” according to The Telegraph.
His other “baller” accomplishments include:
-Claims to be friends with the stars of the Australian soap opera “Home and Away.”
-Was an early adopter of Google Glass. (tech baller?)
-Became a published author of a financial self-help book, “Roky’s Power Gain 50: Become Gepetto,” which claims he became a millionaire by age 26. He also claims that 317 people have become millionaires by following his sage wisdom. Here’s an example of one of his pitches:

“Power is an art form and I teach you how to be masters of it. If you are already on top, this book will teach you how to stay there. If you in the middle or at the bottom like I was, then this book will shoot you straight to the top.”

-He’s amassed 155,000 followers on Twitter. (Is that baller?)
Fiberesima snuck back into the UK last August, maybe because it was the baller thing to do. After someone sent an anonymous tip to the police that he was back in town, Metropolitan Police devised one of the most baller stings ever — detectives posed as fashion photographers in a photoshoot for luxury brand swimming trunks. They also hired several female models to pose so it seemed legit, and Fiberesima’s alter ego Roky Million apparently couldn’t resist the baller opportunity.
Fiberesima was arrested and sentenced earlier this month to three years and nine months in jail, which is not that baller of a jail sentence.

“Mr Fiberesima used false identities to evade capture for five years and developed a very public persona in Australia and internationally as a rap artist and model.

“Thankfully he is now paying for his crimes, due to the perseverance of Brent’s Wanted Offenders Unit.”

And that was the end of Roky Million.
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