This 11-month-old baby can barely walk but went viral for snowboarding downhill

By Khier Casino
An 11-month-old baby girl in China has yet to learn how to walk but a video showing her sliding downhill on a snowboard has gone viral.
Young prodigy: Wang Yuji’s mother and father took her to the slopes in Chongli, Hebei Province.
- In the short video, the young snowboarder is shown going down a slope, with her father behind her holding onto a rope for guidance.
- Yuji’s father eventually lets go of the rope and encourages her: “Look to the front, you’re doing great!”
- “It was actually her first time snowboarding. Me and her dad both love outdoor activities so we came to the Olympic co-host city, Chongli to let her experience snowboarding,” the mother said. “She has good physical fitness and she was not scared during her first time on the snow, she was able to stay balanced and slide downhill slowly.”
- “She’s not able to slide on her own yet, following the angle of the slope or going down naturally,” Yuji’s father said. “So she can’t control the direction or go really far. Sometimes if the snow is just right then she can go all the way. She really likes it, she would be super happy if she could go far.”
- Her father added it’s also Yuji’s first time seeing the icy weather: “The snowflakes disappear as soon as they land in her hands which is a magical thing for her.”
Featured Image via South China Morning Post
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