Man filmed demanding Asian father and son to stop fishing in ‘Australian waters’

A man was filmed berating an Asian man and his son while they were fishing, claiming that they were not allowed to fish as the area belonged to “Australian waters, not international water.”
What happened: In the video uploaded to TikTok on Sunday, user @cootercowgirl can be seen approaching the racist man wearing a southern cross hoodie while he was telling the Asian man and his child by a lakeside to leave.
“You need to leave,” the woman filming tells the man in the hoodie. “Go away. Why are you yelling at them? They’re just fishing.”
“This is Australian water. I’ve got family in the ADF and their country just nuked an Australian vessel. They are Chinese,” the man replies, seemingly referring to an incident where Royal Australian Navy divers faced minor injuries during an altercation with a Chinese warship off the coast of Japan in November.
As the Asian man tries to argue with the racist man, the woman assures him, “Don’t stress,” and proceeds to confront the man in the hoodie, saying, “You’re so embarrassing. You need to go away. Do you have nothing better to do with your day? It’s a lovely day and you’re [yelling] at these two poor people.”
“Not international water”: In the second part of the confrontation, the racist man asserts that the woman is infringing on his Australian rights by recording him. He then repeats, “This water is not international water. No Chinese tourists fishing in Australia here. This is local water,” before ascending from the lake bank.
He then tells the Asian man to address the matter with “dictator Xi Jinping” before saying in slow, broken English, “because my family had sonar nuked on them in international waters. So this water, Australian water. You stay away. I see Chinese fishing in local pond, in suburban area. Not good.” The recording then ends as the man walks away.
Reactions: The video has since gone viral on TikTok, garnering more than 144,000 views. Many viewers praised the woman for standing up for the Asian family, while others condemned the man’s actions.
“Good on you for sticking up to this racist toad,” one viewer said.
“What a grub, hope he is embarrassed by his actions,” another commented.
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