Asian unemployment rate surpasses white unemployment for 1st time

A new study published by Northeastern University on Monday suggests a link between political rhetoric and media coverage blaming China for the pandemic and negative consequences for Asian Americans in the job market. The effect was observed to be stronger in areas with higher levels of anti-Asian sentiment (strongly Republican states).
- The Asian unemployment rate surpassed the white unemployment rate in the U.S. for the first time in modern history between April 2020 and May 2021. Asians in face-to-face jobs were also 7% more likely to be unemployed compared to white workers. Even if employed, Asians experienced an average 8% drop in weekly earnings.
- The study highlights the economic impact of racial bias beyond just physical violence and hate crimes. The researchers acknowledged the study’s limitation that “Asian” encompasses diverse ethnicities, potentially underestimating the true impact.
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