Asian Foreigners Reveal How They are Treated Living in Japan

By King Malleta
Many Westerners have described what it’s like living in Japan but another intriguing thing to find out is how foreigner Asians describe their lives in the “Land of the Rising Sun”.
Japanese YouTuber “That Japanese Man Yuta” explored the topic in two videos titled “Being Asian Female Foreigners in Japan” and “Being Asian Male Foreigners in Japan.”

The men were mostly unanimous in saying that there were higher expectations upon them when it came to speaking the Japanese language, according to SoraNews24. One lamented that Japanese people would likely be quick to praise a Caucasian for being able to speak basic terms while those who have an Asian appearance would be quickly scrutinized if they fail to meet these expectations.

Additionally, these Asian foreigners also pointed out how difficult it was to explain their backgrounds. Because Japan is considered exclusive, especially to “gaijins” or those who are not Japanese, it’s hard for the locals to wrap their heads around those who are for example, “fourth-generation Japanese American.”

However, an upside in appearing Asian in the homogenous country is that locals seem more at ease around them. Some of those who were interviewed said that Japanese appeared more comfortable speaking English with someone who also looked Asian.
The females advised those who are interested in coming to Japan to have an open mind because people might end up surprised about things that they think they know but don’t.
Nonetheless, the videos definitely gave a different kind of insight for those who are wondering how different the experience is for Asians who live in Japan. Check out the videos below:
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