Bigoted Woman Tries to Ban Muslims From Her Salon, Gets Exactly What She Deserves

Sebastian Dillon
November 16, 2015
One business owner in the U.K. has perfectly demonstrated why generalized bigotry is the wrong response to the horrific acts of known terrorists.
In the wake of Paris terrorist attacks, April Major, 43, took to her company’s Facebook page to say that it’s “time to put my country first” by no longer taking any bookings from Muslim clients.
Major, who owns the Blinks of Bicester salon in Oxfordshire, stood by her bigoted comments which were understandably met with immediate backlash. Her defense included a feeble rationalization that she isn’t racist because she listens to reggae and Patois-language music from Trinidad.
In the defense of her views, however, Major responded to one commenter with “I hope your families get blown up by ISIS,” which in the U.K. is a violation of a civil order act that prohibits “the display of written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications.”
While all her posts were deleted, Major was later arrested by Thames Valley Police for discriminating against customers based on their religious beliefs. Blink of Bicester’s Facebook page has also been shut down.
Responding to any world tragedy with hatred never helps make the world (or your business) a better place.
h/t: Mirror
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