Apple’s New iOS9 Wants to Track How Often You Have Sex

Apple’s newest iPhone update,
Healthkit, which will be one of the new pre-installed apps, wants to know a lot about you. Maybe too much. It will track not only your fitness, nutrition and sleep, but also your reproductive health.
Specifically, the app will track your basal body temperature (your body’s lowest resting temperature), cervical mucus quality, menstruation, ovulation test results, spotting, and of course, sexual activity. Users can also input whether protection was used or not.
According to CNN Money, Apple assures users that this data is kept private by default, though it is also possible to send all the data you log to your doctor or anonymously send your information to universities or physicians for research studies.
Healthkit is also designed to work with pre-existing apps and devices that already track reproductive health.
The addition of the female-friendly “Reproductive Health” is part of Apple’s early efforts to develop more software for female users. For those that are excited about logging their sexual activity and menstruation cycles, Apple will begin beta-testing the software for users in July.
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