Anti-Masker Has Meltdown After Thai Family Restaurant Refuses Service in NYC

By Ryan General
A man refusing to wear a mask inside a family-owned restaurant in New York City berated the owners when asked to do so.
Anti-Masker: The man was caught on film arguing and insisting that he should get served some food despite being told by owners of the Maple Thai Eatery that they have a strict “No mask, no service” policy.
- The owners’ daughter, Kathaleeya, posted a video of the incident on her Instagram account.
- “This guy was harassing me at my family’s restaurant today,” she wrote along the video. “He had no mask on and made a poor false statement about not wearing a mask.”
- According to her, the incident happened around noon on Tuesday.
Signs everywhere: Kathaleeya told NextShark that they put up multiple “No mask, no service” signs in front and inside the restaurant, which is also visible in the video.
- “When the man came in without a mask on, I told him nicely that he needed to wear one,” she narrated.
- The man responded by saying he does not wear a mask and then asked if the restaurant could provide him one.
- When she handed him a mask, the man reportedly started saying there’s no point in wearing them as masks don’t help anyway.
- Kathaleeya told the man to leave to avoid further escalating the argument.
- This upset the man and he started to record the exchange using his mobile phone, according to Kathaleeya.
- The man, who claimed to have a respiratory issue and disability, can be heard at one point calling her a “foreigner” between their heated exchange.
- “There was my mom; mom’s younger brother, Joe; me and one customer. Joe was trying to calm him down and tell him to leave but he still refused to leave,” she explained.
- Kathaleeya shared that their restaurant also practices six-feet-apart social distancing, and proper hand-washing, among other safety precautions.
- “It’s funny that I didn’t hear that part when he called me a foreigner. I was born and grew up in New York. I guess he was just being racist.”
Featured Image Screenshots via kathaleeya416
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