Democratic Candidate Andrew Yang Actually Impressed Fox News Host Tucker Carlson

Democratic Candidate Andrew Yang Actually Impressed Fox News Host Tucker CarlsonDemocratic Candidate Andrew Yang Actually Impressed Fox News Host Tucker Carlson
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang made such compelling arguments for his platforms that even conservative political pundit Tucker Carlson appeared to be on board for most of them.
During an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Friday, Yang discussed how American jobs were facing serious threats from automation. 
Yang noted that 4 million manufacturing jobs have already been lost to automation in recent years in states like Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
“Those communities have never recovered, where if you look at the numbers, half of the workers left the workforce and never worked again and then, half of that group filed for disability. Now, what happened to the manufacturing workers is now going to happen to the truck drivers, retail workers, call centers, fast-food workers and on and on through the economy,” the 44-year-old entrepreneur explained.  
“Do we have to sit passively back and let this happen to the country?” Carlson asked.
“That’s why I’m running for president,” Yang responded. “I think it would be insane to sit back and watch this automation wave overtake our communities and our economy.”
“We need to evolve,” he continued. “We need to actually start pushing the way we think of economic progress to include how our families are doing, how our children are doing, and things that would actually matter to the American people.”
Carlson then asked why the issue of automation isn’t discussed more prominently by other candidates.
“Why isn’t this a central question in the campaign of everybody running for president on any side and why — instead of talking about issues that really are kind of frivolous — why don’t they talk about this?” Carlson asked.
Insisting that every 2020 candidate should reveal their own position on the subject, Yang explained that he would push the issue “to the center of the mainstream agenda” as a presidential candidate.
“The labor force participation rate in the United States is 63.2%, the same level as Ecuador and Costa Rica. And if anyone thinks that’s where America ought to be, I mean, that number is even going to be further challenged when all this technology comes online. So, we have to make America embrace this challenge of the 21st century and then try and address it together as a people.”
Yang also revealed his plans to update key economic metrics, like GDP and unemployment rates, if he gets elected because he finds them “completely misleading.”
Carlson replied with an enthusiastic: “Yes, yes! So we can know what’s going on; otherwise, you can’t make wise decisions.”
“Right now, (…) our life expectancy has declined for the last three years, the first time in a hundred years, because of a surge in suicides and drug overdoses,” Yang continued. How can you say an economy is healthy when our people are dying?”
As the interview came to an end, the Fox host then proclaimed: “I don’t even know what you think on the other issues and I just support what you said so much.” 
Yang is actively campaigning online to reach 65,000 total unique donors by May 15 to meet the requirement to enter the DNC debatesAs of his latest tally, he has generated donations from 42,175 unique donors.

42,175. Way to start the week! At this rate we will be celebrating by April. 😀🎉🥊 THANK YOU for making it happen.

— Andrew Yang (@AndrewYangVFA) March 4, 2019
Featured Image via YouTube / YangGangHQ
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