Andrew Yang Wants to Make One of the Worst Days of the Year an Enjoyable Holiday

By Carl Samson
Tax Day might be a little less taxing with
In a recent interview with The Breakfast Club, the 44-year-old Democratic presidential candidate laid out his platform for the 2020 election — including his plan to make “Revenue Day” a national celebration.
“One thing that the government can learn from businesses is that businesses don’t treat their customers like crap. And our government treats us like crap come Tax Day,” Yang said. “We’re giving the government hundreds of billions of dollars and do we get any kind of celebration of that fact?”
“So I would make Tax Day into a national holiday. I would call it ‘Revenue Day.’”
Yang went on to describe how Revenue Day would look like with the help of artificial intelligence, tax choice, and actual citizen appreciation.
“I would have it so A.I. tries to pre-fill out your taxes for you, so if you have very simple taxes that are based upon the same info, it just gets spit out for you.
“You’d get a video showing where your money is going, government employees thanking you … and then you can choose where to send the last 1% of your money being like, ‘You know what? I really want to fund these programs.’ And then there’d be someone from that program being like, ‘Well thank you for choosing this program.’
“Then you’d get Oprah and Tom Hanks and The Rock in on this video and then we’d actually not mind Revenue Day.”
Yang also proposed a physical celebration at the White House — where families from each state will be invited to — and ultimately transform Tax Day from a “thankless chore” into a festive occasion.
“I’d invite families from every state to the White House and celebrate our society instead of treating Tax Day like this thankless chore that we all dread.”
Yang recently qualified for the first Democratic presidential debates, which will take place in June. If elected, he will give every citizen aged 18 years and above $1,000 a month, implement Medicare-for-all and devise new economic measures that maximize human welfare in business.
Featured Images via YouTube / Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM
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