Amy Schumer’s Offensive Asian Tweet From 2010 is Coming Back to Haunt Her

By Carl Samson
Once upon a time, Amy Schumer had something to say about Asians — and Twitter users are just discovering it years later to their horror.

“My Asian friend kim is really excited she just met a great guy that looks just like her dad…and her mom…and… nevermind.”

Apparently, the tweet did not get much attention until a few years later:

She’s also made a crack about bringing an Asian man home to meet her parents:
“I think they would be mad if I brought home an Asian guy. Just out of confusion. They would just be like, ‘I don’t understand. Do you really want to fuck this guy?’”
And in 2018, when Schumer is starring in a new movie co-produced by an Asian company:

“I Feel Pretty” centers on an insecure woman who wakes up from a fall to realize that she’s the most beautiful and capable woman on the face of the planet. The movie hit theaters on April 20 and has since been performing relatively fair at the box office.
China’s Huayi Brothers Pictures, STX Entertainment, Voltage Pictures and Wonderland Sound and Vision are behind the production, according to Variety.
Whether it’s laughing, crying or getting naked, #IFeelPretty will give you all the feels. Grab your crew and see it – Now Playing in theaters. Get tickets now.
— I Feel Pretty (@IFeelPretty) April 19, 2018
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