Amy Chua Allegedly Told Female Students to Be ‘Like Models’ to Work for Judge Accused of Sex Assault

By Leanna Chan
Amy Chua, a top professor at Yale and author of best-selling parenting book “Tiger Mom” told female students it was “no accident” that Kavanaugh’s clerks “looked like models.”
According to The Guardian, Chua advised female law clerks who were going to interview with Judge Brett Kavanaugh on their physical appearance.
The professor, who assisted students in finding clerk positions, instructed students to dress “to exude a ‘model-like’ femininity” in order to win Kavanaugh’s favor.
It is reported that Jed Rubenfeld, Chua’s husband and fellow Yale professor, also gave one woman the same advice.
“’You should know that Judge Kavanaugh hires women with a certain look,’’” the unnamed woman recalled Rubenfeld saying. She told the Guardian, “He did not say what the look was and I did not ask.”
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh is currently being accused of sexual assault during a high school party in the 1980s.

Chua and Rubenfeld are not reported to have given such advice about other judges.
Yale Law School released an official email statement that said, “This is the first we have heard claims that Professor Chua coached students to look ‘like models’. We will look into these claims promptly, taking into account the fact that Professor Chua is currently unreachable due to serious illness. If true, this advice is clearly unacceptable.”
Chua’s own daughter is due to clerk for Kavanaugh.
The professor told The Guardian, “For the more than 10 years I’ve known him, Judge Kavanaugh’s first and only litmus test in hiring has been excellence. He hires only the most qualified clerks, and they have been diverse as well as exceptionally talented and capable.”
“There is good reason so many of them have gone on to supreme court clerkships; he only hires those who are extraordinarily qualified. As I wrote in the Wall Street Journal, he has also been an exceptional mentor to his female clerks and a champion of their careers. Among my proudest moments as a parent was the day I learned our daughter would join those ranks.”
Feature Image via Facebook/ Amy Chua (right), Wikimedia Commons (left)
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