Here’s How Much Cash Americans Blow When Shopping Online

Americans love to spend money, and the infographic below shows exactly how much people are spending every second.
Americans spend an estimated $5.5 million dollars every 20 minutes on online shopping, according to the infographic. Online e-commerce giant Amazon receives 16% of total online purchases. However, both department store Macy’s and electronic’s store Best Buy trail behind Amazon in number of sales.
Even so, that’s nothing compared to the amount of money being spent at discount department store Walmart — the graphic shows Americans are spending about $10 million at Walmart every 30 minutes.
Also eyebrow-raising is the upward spiral of credit card purchases. Americans are charging $40 million on their credit cards about every half hour.
The real-time chart also includes the kind of things U.S. citizens enjoy indulging themselves in including a surprising amount of money on cigarettes, lottery tickets and video games.  
In just an hour, people in the U.S. consume about 4 million cups of caffeine and spend about $1.5 million on booze.
Check out the infographic below.
h/t: Mic
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