American Kids Stay Home When It Snows While China Keeps Schools Open at -50 Degrees Fahrenheit

By Kyle Encina
China’s Hulunbuir region, in northeastern Inner Mongolia, suffered from heavy fog and strong arctic winds that limit the visibility around the area on Wednesday, but the icy cold weather wasn’t enough to cancel schools.

All of the monitoring stations in the area recorded a chilling temperature of minus 40 degrees Celsius (minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit). One monitoring station recorded a blistering temperature that reached as low as 46.6 degrees Celsius (minus 51.88 degrees Fahrenheit), according to Shanghaiist.

Despite the poor weather conditions, schools across the region surprisingly carried on with its operations. Some citizens have become so accustomed to the icy weather that they no longer appear to be bothered by the cold.

While Hulunbuir remained unfazed by the harsh subzero temperatures, some schools in other parts in China had to hold classes outdoors due to the lack of means to provide indoor warming. Fortunately, China once again allowed cities to burn coal albeit temporarily last Thursday as a means to keep warm at a low cost.
Meanwhile, Hulunbuir isn’t that far from the record holder of the coldest inhabited place, which is located at the neighboring Siberian village known as Oymyakon.
According to Guinness World Records, Oymyakon reached temperatures as low as minus 68 degrees Celsius (minus 90 degrees Fahrenheit).
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