Amazon and eBay Think It’s Perfectly OK To Sell This Racist ‘Chinese Boy’ Costume

Amazon and eBay Think It’s Perfectly OK To Sell This Racist ‘Chinese Boy’ CostumeAmazon and eBay Think It’s Perfectly OK To Sell This Racist ‘Chinese Boy’ Costume
Earlier today, Twitter user @snowflakenest called out Amazon UK on Twitter for the following costume that was for sale.
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The costume depicts a Caucasian boy in a stereotypical Asian outfit. However, what’s most grating about it is the racist “squinty eye” gesture the boy is making in the photo. This gesture has been used to mock people of Asian descent for decades.
However, what was most disturbing is that after researching on our end, we found that the product was available for sale not just on Amazon UK, but Denmark, France, and Italy as well.
amazon asian costume
amazon racist asian costume
amazon asian costume
amazon racist asian costume
The product is also available on eBay as well, but it’s currently listed as “out of stock”.
amazon asian costume
NextShark has reached out to Amazon and eBay on this matter and will update this post accordingly.
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