Ali Wong Reveals What She Really Thinks About Asian Men

By Ryan General
In her smashing 2015 Netflix debut, Asian American actress and stand-up comic Ali Wong had this to say about Asian men:

She also noted of a typically ignored fact:
“Asian men have no body odor. None. They just smell like responsibility.”
In a recent interview with NYMag, the 34-year-old comedian would further explain why she tackles the subject in her performances.
Referencing Steve Harvey’s comedy bit where he presented Asian men as being unattractive, the interviewer asked if commending Asian men was Wong’s way of “taking down that preconception, perpetuated by Harvey and others”.
“I was not trying to make a huge point. It was mostly a funny joke, but it comes from a real place,” Wong explained.
“All the men I dated seriously and called my boyfriend and introduced to my parents were Asian-American. Note that that’s not the people I have slept with — I have slept with the rainbow. For someone like Steve Harvey to say that, it shows ignorance. He has obviously not been around Asian communities. I grew up in San Francisco, went to college at UCLA, and went to NYC to pursue stand-up. I’ve been around a lot of gorgeous-ass Asian men.
“Some people who only grew up with Caucasians weirdly say that dating someone Asian would be like dating ‘my brother.’ But that’s because they grew up in Omaha, where the only other Asian person in town was their brother! But there is truly nothing more sexy and beautiful to me than Asian men. Certain men are so sexy, no one can deny it. Daniel Henney. Hello. Oh my God. Do you know who he is? Godfrey Gao. The first [Asian male] Louis Vuitton model. That motherfucker can sell handbags. I work in the entertainment industry, so I see all of them. They’re my friends. The idea to me that Asian-American men aren’t attractive is laughable. It comes from a place of ignorance and lack of exposure. But I’m glad that it did resonate with people on that level.”
Wong currently lives with her half-Filipino, half-Japanese husband, Justin Hakuta and their daughter named Mari in Los Angeles, California.
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