Woman Creates Genius Airpod Earrings So She Never Loses Them Again

By Ziye Wang
If you’re still holding out on copping a pair of AirPods due to the (very reasonable) fear of misplacing them, a 22-year-old Virginia woman might have designed the perfect solution for you.
Both functional and surprisingly fashionable, Gabrielle Reilly’s innovative AirPods earrings — fittingly nicknamed Airings — went viral after she posted a Twitter clip of herself rocking the invention.
Reilly revealed to BuzzFeed that her creativity was motivated by a desire to ensure the longevity of her headphones.
“I absolutely refuse to lose them,” she said. “My cat ate through two pairs of Beats Bluetooth earphones, and all my other earphones. So I got the AirPods because there was no wire for her to chew but I still needed something to connect them.”
The Airings reportedly took Reilly around an hour to make, with most of the time going into the custom piece that connects the earring to the actual AirPods. That piece is easily detachable, making it easy to charge the AirPods when necessary.

“Airpods have become a meme, so for most people, I feel like the earrings are a joke,” she told BuzzFeed. “And they kind of are to me. But, a functional joke.”
Regardless, the Airings have been very positively received on social media — so much so that Reilly is now selling them for $20 a pop on her Shopify, where she offers customization on the type of earring, material, length and color of the connecting piece.
Featured Images via deadanimemom.myshopify.com
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