After Losing His Business and Facing Depression, One Simple Change Turned Everything Around

“Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of self-development, because success is something you attract by the person you become.”
“[The Miracle Morning] is the ultimate morning success ritual… Your morning ritual sets the context and your mindset for the rest of the day. It’s all about starting your day focused, goal-oriented, productive and even just with self-discipline. If you think about it, when the alarm clock goes off, that’s life’s first gift to you. It’s also life’s first test, [saying] “Hey, you say you want an extraordinary life? Do you have the discipline to even get yourself off the bed in the morning and work on yourself? Or would you rather lay there unconscious for nine more minutes and another nine more minutes?”
And sadly most people waste the morning. They start the day with procrastination by hitting the snooze button and they don’t have the self discipline to get out of bed, let alone create the life that they say they want.
So when that alarm goes off, that’s life’s first gift to you and by turning the alarm clock off and getting out of bed, first and foremost you’re telling yourself, you’re telling the universe that you are committed to doing what’s necessary to create the extraordinary life that you really want.”
“…most people wake up not because they want to, they wait until they have to wake up, right? Have to be somewhere. Have to do something. Have to answer to someone else. And so this is the idea that you set the intention. I’m going to wake up an hour before I have to be up for work and I’m going to develop myself into the person that I need to be, to create the life that I really want. I’m going to read books. I’m going to exercise. I’m going to feed my mind. I’m going to write in a journal. I’m going to meditate. I’m going to do some visualization. I’m going to do the practices that the world’s most successful people do every day.”
“…if the alarm clock is on your bedside table, then when it goes off you’re still half asleep. And I don’t care who you are, myself included, I will lose that battle nine out of ten times. Even in The Miracle Morning guide, I wake up at 3:30 in the morning, seven days a week. That’s my wake up time. Most people don’t do it at that time but I’m kind of crazy so I wake up 3:30 AM seven days a week. If my alarm clock is by our bedside table which it is because I’m constantly traveling, I put it on a hotel nightstand. So the alarm clock has to be half way across the room, that way I’m forced to get out of bed and create that motion, that energy. You know motion creates energy, getting out of bed wakes you up.”
“I mean think about it- we are dehydrated after six to eight hours without drinking any water. So in the morning our minds can’t think because we are dehydrated. I drink a full glass of water. I down it like I was the tallest kid at a stag party drinking the beer, right? I just have a glass of water right next to my alarm clock, it’s sitting right there. [It’s] the first thing I do, and then I brush my teeth, wash my face, and go downstairs and do my miracle morning.”
“The five minute rule simply says that when things don’t go your way, when you experience rejection or failure or defeat or whatever, there’s no point in dwelling on it. But sometimes you’ve got to vent, you’ve got to be a little negative and let it out, but not for longer than five minutes. You set your timer for five minutes and I would literally set my timer on my phone for five minutes. And you’re allowed to bitch, moan, complain, punch a wall, punch your best friend, whatever you’ve got to do to like release the pent up physical, physiological, and emotional [stress]; let it go. And when the timer goes off after five minutes, three magic words “can’t change it.” You completely accept whatever has happened because you can’t go back in time to change it. It has happened. So you accept all things you can’t change and then you can be at peace. and then you can focus on what you can control.”