Pakistani Takeout Worker Records Racist Attack on Him in the U.K.

Pakistani Takeout Worker Records Racist Attack on Him in the U.K.Pakistani Takeout Worker Records Racist Attack on Him in the U.K.
A racist customer was recently caught on video going on a hateful tirade against a takeout employee in the United Kingdom but reportedly got away with it scot-free.
Asian Image was able to obtain a footage of the incident showing the man shouting obscenities at the employee of Milano’s takeout on Corporation Street, Preston, in the U.K.

Man tells Pakistani takeaway worker in #Preston, “my grandparents raped your country and your women”.

— Zahid Akhtar / زاهد (@AHudhayfah) October 30, 2017

While being subjected to the abuse, the worker, identified as Abbas Mureed, pointed his video camera towards the customer. Despite warning him that the police were on their way after reporting the incident by phone, the man went on to abuse the worker.
The victim noted that attack happened at around 2 a.m. on Oct. 23.
“He came in ordered a pizza and wanted to discuss history. I told him I don’t want to discuss anything and he just should take his food and leave,” Mureed told Asian Image.
“Then things got more heated and then I started recording the incident. It was shocking and I was telling him to leave.”
Apparently intoxicated, the man can be seen in the footage further spewing a barrage of racist abuse at the worker, who attempted to calm the customer multiple times.
“You’re f***ing drinking too much. Calm down, be normal and then I’ll talk to you. I think you should leave this place,” the worker can be heard saying.
To this, the customer replied, “Pakistan is a terrorist state. This is my country, not yours.”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s your country. You’re racist. I’m telling you nicely to get out of here because you’re drunk,” the worker answered back.
At one point, the customer even challenged the owner to go outside and fight him. When the worker did not take his bait, the customer insulted him more, shouting: “You can’t even speak English. I speak perfect English.
It even got worse from there.
“Why are you here? You’re in my country. My grandparents, they go to India and rape your country and rape your women. Why are you here when we rape your women?”
When the worker said he is going to call the police, the customer responded with more insults:
“Israel will come and rape your women. You Muslim c***.”
Before leaving the store, the man even went on to mock the bhangra dance.
Mureed lamented that the man had already disappeared when the police arrived and went looking for him. He noted that he soon saw the man again at a nearby takeaway.
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