37 Times a Chinese Dating Show Got Too Real

Dating can be hard.
Some singles in China felt like they had exhausted all other options, and decided to try a different approach to dating — signing up for the dating game show, “If You Are The One“. Here are some of our favorite quotes from the craziest candidates:
1. Okay, scale back the kidnapping vibe just a bit…


3. Yessss girl, love that self-confidence!

4. When you’re trying to flirt but you have no idea what you’re doing.

5. Accurate.

6. Daaaaaamn, she went there.

7. Nice, gotta think about the positives!

8. It is a mystery.

9. Umm…thanks?

10. At least they’re honest with each other…?

11. Truly, a triple threat.

12. I’ve never related with anything so hard before.

13. Is this…good? Bad?

14. Gotta no fast!

15. Future wife material right there.

16. Actually this is a good principle to have tbh.

17. Priorities.


19. Name a more iconic place to cry. I’ll wait.

20. Tough to please? Challenge accepted.

21. Feelsbadman

22. When is this ever not the case?

23. Makes sense.

24. Story of my life.

25. Hahaha her reaction

26. No, I don’t like suffering…

27. This is honestly the most important question you can ask.

28. A man of standards, I see.

29. She doesn’t waste time. I like it.

30. That’s… that’s a turn off?

31. Okay but literally me.

32. I’m not a man and I’m in love with myself, shiiiit…

33. Imagine loving something this much.

34. Wow, she wasn’t kidding!

35. I mean, someone’s gotta like noodles…?

36. Same.

37. …I don’t even want to know.

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