$3 Cans of Fresh Mountain Air Now Sold in Chinese Town

$3 Cans of Fresh Mountain Air Now Sold in Chinese Town$3 Cans of Fresh Mountain Air Now Sold in Chinese Town
Apparently, the novelty trend of buying fresh air is still alive and well in at least one town in China.
According to Shanghaiist, cans of mountain fresh air went on sale in the smog-filled city of Xi’an in China.
“Fresh air” from the nearby Qinling mountain range can be bought for 18 yuan, or almost $3, per can. The idea of air in a can originally came from the local forestry bureau of the government with approximately $29,000 in funding.
While some people find buying “air” absurd, this might possibly be a commodity in the future. However, netizens can’t help but feel that this might be the “first stage of the government placing a tax on air.”
For a place where air is often smoggy, this might be a good business opportunity for geniuses or business-minded opportunists.
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