13 Asians Who Totally Nailed the #KyloRenChallenge

If you’ve seen “Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi“, chances are you’re all-too familiar with this:

The now infamous scene became an instant meme, and “Ben Swolo” was born.

Meanwhile, John Mayer had a different idea — operating under the pretense that Kylo Ren’s body is a wonderland, he started the #KyloRenChallenge, encouraging netizens to dress up like the shirtless Skywalker.
And just like that, thousands answered the call. Here are some of our favorites from our brothers (and even sisters!) just totally killing it.
- Yoshi Sudarso looking hot AF!

2. Long hair, gonna…just…stare… 😍

3. The force is strong with this one!

4. This Kylo Ren Challenge is serious business!

5. Totally nailed the Emo Kylo Ren bangs, too!

6. Now this…this is art.

7. Careful with that light saber!

8. Kylo Ren had more hair than this, but we see the resemblance!


10. George Takei out here just killin’ it!

11. Bruce Lee, tho, totally wins!

12. Oh wait, Shaaaaang!

13. Brock Swolo, maybe?

Who won? Who’s you’re favorite? Let us know in the comments!
Featured Image via Instagram / (Left): yoshi_sudarso | (Right): simshye
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