Vietnamese Restaurant Puts Up Signs Banning Chinese People From Entering

Chinese tourists aren’t exactly known for their polite manners and courteous behavior when traveling overseas.
They’ve built up quite a reputation in the past and on more recent incidents involving the harassment of a Vietnamese banana vendor. Though the Vietnamese government has threatened to expel unruly visitors from the country following the abuse, one restaurant owner doesn’t seem to think that’s enough.
The owner of Ngoc Quy, a restaurant in Da Nang, Vietnam, has posted signs that state:
“Won’t sell goods Chinese people.”
Apparently, Chinese customers have been a lot of trouble for him and disruptive to other diners at the restaurant. According to Shanghaiist, the owner says that he has welcomed Chinese guests into his business in the past and usually puts his customers first.
However, when he tried to communicate with his Chinese customers, they consistently pretend they don’t understand English. They also insist on paying in another currency, RMB, which is illegal in Vietnam. In some cases, his guests offer up excuses to lower the price of their bills.
Authorities aren’t too happy about how this may affect tourism in the area. They have demanded that the owner take his sign down.
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