Teen Model High on Meth Kills Expectant Father While Driving in Malaysia

Teen Model High on Meth Kills Expectant Father While Driving in MalaysiaTeen Model High on Meth Kills Expectant Father While Driving in Malaysia
King Malleta
March 22, 2017
A 19-year-old female driver who accidentally killed a man and injured 5 others when she drove her car against the flow of traffic on a North-South Expressway in Penang, Malaysia was revealed to be high at the time.
According to NST, the woman, initially identified as Cindy Ng, was believed to be drunk and high on methamphetamine.
The tragedy began when Ng, whose real name is Ng Pei Ven, was trying to flee a previous accident that she encountered earlier where she bumped into two other cars.
She made a U-turn and drove against the flow of traffic for over 3 miles, crashing into several cars and head on into 26-year-old soon-to-be father Mohd Fandi, killing him instantly. Ng suffered minor injuries to her left eye.
Netizens who were eager to learn more about the offender were able to track down the 19-year-old’s Facebook account where many found out that Cindy’s real name is Ng Pei Ven. Her photos also show some of her modelling and beauty pageant stints.
In a report by The Coverage, law lecturer Shamsher Singh Thind said that the victim’s family wants to file charges for the crime committed and wants the 19-year-old punished for her actions.
“I leave it to the police to investigate the incident but we want justice for my son,” Fandi’s father said.
Assuming that she aspires to be somebody popular based on her Facebook photos; this is most definitely not the kind of attention that Cindy was aiming for.
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