Missouri Restaurant Deletes Social Media Accounts After Hanging Racist ‘Coronavirus’ Pinata

By Bryan Ke
A St. Louis County restaurant faced backlash for a racist piñata it displayed as it kept doors open to customers despite COVID-19 lockdown orders.
On May 4, Camila’s Tex Mex, located in Eureka, MO, allowed people to enter its establishment due to poor weather conditions even though St. Louis County is currently under lockdown, according to Riverfront Times.

One of the customers at the restaurant posted several photos of the establishment, crowded by people including children. A piñata featuring an Asian caricature wearing a conical rice-paddy hat and a Fu Manchu mustache was on display.

Before taking down their official Facebook page, the restaurant responded to one of the messages in an attempt to defend itself, saying, “This character was Hispanic.”

In addition to the angry comments and reviews on Facebook, Camila’s Tex Mex also received one-star reviews on its Yelp page. However, the website has temporarily disabled the option to leave comments on the page.
“This business recently made waves in the news, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news,” Yelp said on the page.

“While we don’t take a stand one way or the other when it comes to this news event, we work to verify that the content you see here reflects personal consumer experiences with the business rather than the news itself. As a result, we’ve temporarily disabled the posting of content to this page.”
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