New Star Trek Trailer Draws Outrage Because There Aren’t Enough White Guys

By Ryan General
The first trailer for Star Trek Discovery has dropped and it looks epic. Some complained, however, that the usual white male heroes we’ve seen a billion times on tv and the big screen are nowhere to be seen on this one.
What the new show has, in fact, is a solid and diverse cast which includes strong women of color leads.

The highly anticipated upcoming series from CBS All-Access based on the massively popular Star Trek franchise will be set a decade before the events of the original Star Trek series and will follow the crew of the USS Discovery as they discover new worlds and civilizations.
On Wednesday, CBS released the first trailer to offer a glimpse at the series, heavily featuring leads Sonequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh among others.
Captain Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) and First Officer Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) were shown walking on a desert-like remote planet in the opening scene. The rest of the crew was also revealed, including Doug Jones (Hellboy) as Science Officer Saru and James Frain as the Vulcan Sarek, the father of Spock from the original series. There is also a brewing conflict between Starfleet and the Klingon Empire.
Overall, the trailer achieved its main objective in establishing the overarching plot points for the show’s pilot episode and its first season.
As promising as the show might look, however, some netizens were not happy. Some even attacked the show for its diversity and the supposed lack of white males in the lead.

Of course, it is not that surprising to read as most of the comments contain mostly racist and sexist tirades:

Series creator Bryan Fuller described last year how the casting team viewed the selection process.
“There’s a few people that we like and we want to carry on what Star Trek does best, which is being progressive,” Fuller told Collider. “So it’s fascinating to look at all of these roles through a colorblind prism and a gender-blind prism.”
In an interview with, executive producer Heather Kadin justified the inclusion of female, minority, and LGBTQ characters in the show because she felt modern television did not accurately represent those groups in television shows featuring predominantly-caucasian casts.
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