Meet the Malaysian Man Who Dates a Different Girl Almost Every Week

By Ryan General
Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article included a feature image of two women standing next to Louis Liaw taken from his Instagram account. The nature of the account implied he had dated both when he in fact did not. We apologize for the confusion. Louis Liaw’s Instagram account has since been set to private/deactivated.
While casual dating is pretty much unheard of in many parts of Asia, one particular Malaysian man has been able to master going out with a different girl almost every week in his home country.
Over the course of the past year and a half, Kuala Lumpur-based Louis Liaw has dated over 50 women. A lawyer by profession, the self-confessed serial dater even posts his nearly weekly “dates” on his Instagram account.
But before anyone brands him as a womanizer or playboy, Liaw says he considers most of his dates as his way of meeting more people and a way to improve his social skills.
“I wanted to meet as many people as I can, to improve my social skills, and to learn how to manage social situations,” Liaw told Nextshark.
“From these dates I learned how to create and maintain a good conversation, how to be a better listener, as well as how to create attraction. So I have improved a lot in the ladies department.”
He also revealed that he did not date much back during his high school and university days.
“I just started asking girls out more after I came back after graduating in the U.K.,” he said. “The U.K. taught me to be more sociable and open minded. The environment encouraged me to speak.”
The 24-year-old admits that while he has no plans of settling down soon and is currently focusing more on his career, he finds time to meet with women that he finds interesting.
“I’m not particularly good looking but still girls will go out if you dare to ask. Be sincere and kind, and be a good listener, and respectful,” he told us.
Liaw says he has no particular preference and has dated women from a variety of ethnic and occupational backgrounds.
“That is why I like Malaysia. We are so diverse, we have so many different types of beautiful ladies. If you are not racist and are open-minded, there’s so much to love and appreciate. Everyone has their interesting story if you pay attention.”
As a dating practice, he says he prefers to be asking questions, listening well and giving the opposite sex a chance to express themselves, rather than trying to impress them.
“I think if boys/men learn how to date, it’s easier for them to find their true love, and also learn to respect women rather than see them as sexual objects.”
He explained that among the 50 plus women he has dated, only a fraction of them have led to the more serious or intimate second and third dates.
“Although of course, I don’t end up being a boyfriend to all of them. If I’m not interested, or she’s not interested after the date, we become good friends.”
So far, he has not found “the one” yet due to certain circumstances.
“There were cases when I wanted to seriously date but they didn’t work out, but that is okay. What I learned is that timing is indeed important. Both must be available at the time, and both equally interested.”
“I am still enjoying being single so I am okay. There will always be the next girl that will make your heart skip a beat.”
In the meantime, he keeps his schedule busy as he looks for the one. In fact, he has already set up a date this Thursday, and another on Saturday.
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