White Student Verbally Assaults Asian Teacher in Shocking Video

This post has been updated with a statement from the high school at the bottom.
An white male student, who has been allegedly identified on Twitter but will remain unnamed because he may be a minor, was caught on video at a high school in Lancaster, California, believed to be Eastside High School, verbally assaulting an Asian professor.
The video was posted last night on Twitter and has since gone viral. Naturally, people in the Twitter-sphere erupted.

In the video, the student is seen yelling at his teacher, who he calls “Dr. Hsu”, while trying to provoke him into a physical fight. Throughout his tirade, the white student also calls the Asian teacher the n-word. As the teacher tries to remain calm, the student begins breaking classroom equipment and overturns a garbage can before finally leaving the classroom along with the student who was recording the incident.

There was at least one who also came to the student’s defense.

Dr Kristen Tepper, Principal of Eastside High School, provided this statement to NextShark on the incident:
“We take this type of situation very seriously. Our teachers’ safety is of the utmost importance to us. The incident has been investigated and appropriate action by school administration has been taken.”
Another tweet, allegedly from a student who attends the same school, sheds light on what consequences met the student:
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