Gangster Toddler Threatens Truck Driver With Knife For Blocking His Grandma’s Stall

By Ryan General
A disturbing video of a knife-wielding toddler, caught arguing with an adult truck driver, recently emerged on Chinese social media.
In the clip, the fearless five-year-old boy nicknamed Xiao Pang can be seen waving a fruit knife at the female truck driver whose vehicle was apparently blocking his grandmother’s street stall. The upset child glared at the driver and even threatened to puncture the truck’s tire if the truck refused to leave the front of his family’s stall in the street of Xinjiang Province.
“You can’t park here! If you park here, I will beat you up!” the boy screamed. He then flung his knife about, waiting for the truck to leave.
For some reason, however, onlookers found the scene amusing, with some laughing at the boy’s actions. No one tried to stop the child.
Last year, Xiao Pang was caught on camera defending his grandmother’s stall from urban management officers who were trying to clamp down on illegal street vendors. In the widely shared clip, he was seen wielding a steel pipe as a weapon and repeatedly yelling: “Don’t touch my grandma,” at the authorities. When his video went viral, he was hailed as a hero by netizens.
This time, however, the comments on his new viral video reflected more of concern rather than admiration, according to Daily Mail.
“It is sad to see a child being so violent and yet his parents did not stop him.” one netizen commented on Weibo.
Another netizen expressed concern that the child might think that resorting to violence is the answer to every conflict if not guided by his parents properly.
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