‘$50 Billion Man’ Explains Why You Are WEAK and UNACCOMPLISHED

“You f*cking CUNTS are weak and unaccomplished, which is why you are here in the first place. But all that changes tomorrow when we go deep and find out why Mommy and Daddy didn’t love you. Guess what? I don’t give a SHIT why! When you leave here you won’t have an action plan, you will have a WAR PLAN. And I NEVER leave a man behind.”
“And don’t do any of that networking bullshit, that’s for losers. You are here to work on yourself…”I don’t want to see any business cards or electronic messages. When I see you guys swapping spit, my dick goes limp.”
“I could easily kill three of you myself, or at least two of you with my bad hip. So if anyone wants a piece just let me know. And if I see any phones or laptops I WILL FUCKING BREAK THEM.”

“… I don’t consider myself as a personal development guy. Those are are all titles I really don’t understand. What I am is, I’m a super high-performance coach. Money is not everything in life, but it’s the only thing anybody’s kept track of since the pharaohs — ‘My pyramid has got to be bigger than your pyramid.’ I believe that we are put on this earth, whether you believe in Buddha or whoever you believe in, to be all we can be.”
“What I see is most people — not just kids, but middle-aged and even older people — they cop out, they blame it on somebody else. They blame their lack of success and/or their failures on circumstances. They blame it on interest rates. They blame it on they didn’t go to a good enough school. They blame it on they’re too fat. They blame it on my tits are too big, my ass is too big, my nose is too big, I’m Chinese, I’m Mexican, I’m Japanese — whatever the f*cking reason is, they always got an excuse why they don’t fulfill their potential. Man’s greatest burden is unfulfilled potential. I’ll be 70 years old my next birthday and I’ve seen a lot more people than I can count, men and women, boys and girls, that haven’t fulfilled their potential ‘cause they give up.”
“When your mom has Alzheimer’s and your dad has emphysema or your 14-year-old sister is pregnant with whoever, you need money to solve these problems…What money allows you to do, and what wealth creation allows you to do, is to have more choices in life. For those of the kids that wanna save the planet, they believe or worry about global warming and they believe and worry about all these other things, the problems that we have in Europe. Go get rich and then take your money like Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and solve the problems. Don’t just bitch about them! I tell people, ‘Go out and be successful and then you can use your success as an instrument to help others.’ I see too many of the kids don’t do that. They think that carrying signs around parks is gonna save the world. Well, that’s not gonna save the world! Let them go out and solve the problems of the world by creating wealth and then using that wealth to solve the problems.”

“… You can accomplish almost anything through clear, absolute and laser beam focus. I’m often asked, ‘If you were 20 years old, what would you tell the 20-year-old Dan Peña today approaching 70?’ I’ll only them just one thing — ‘Just f*cking do it.’ Don’t think about it. Don’t ask so many questions. Don’t Google it, don’t spreadsheet it, don’t Wikipedia it. Just f*cking do it! Know that part of the process is that you’re gonna make mistakes, part of the process is that you’re gonna stumble. Part of the process is like a high-tech startup: You’re gonna pivot, you’re gonna morph, you’re gonna change. Know that and don’t be worried about it. Fail but fail fast! But most people are afraid because we’re taught to want to fit in, be like other people and not stand out. You show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
“… We’ve got many people that have made tens of millions that have just used the book, used the product, and that’s what I would suggest. You don’t have to go and come and see Dan and spend twenty grand at Castle Seminar. The Castle Seminars are for the people that wanna make the ultimate commitment. They wanna be in the ultimate fight, UFC of success, and they’re willing to pay the price both financially and emotionally ‘cause I kick the sh*t out of you.”

“… The kids today aren’t willing; the kids today they give up too easy … because the kids today have too many excuses. You look at the entrepreneurs that are in Silicon Valley, let’s just take them for an example — that is one of a million percent of all the kids on the planet. They are not representative of anything. They are not representative of a generation. Before them, they have Hewlett-Packard, who is actually at the forefront of Silicon Valley. With HP, they’re born in Silicon Valley 60 years ago. And those guys were billionaires when a billion meant something. Not when you became a billionaire like — I’m not taking anything away from Zuckerberg, he’s a smart kid — but I mean the billionaires of 50 years ago were really billionaires. The billionaires today they got their money from an IPO or from PayPal or wherever, that’s great. But today there’s more opportunities to get wealthy than there was 50 years ago.
… I find the younger generations give up too soon and they have too many excuses to blame their lack of success on a previous generation. My generation and the generation after me didn’t blame our lack of success on anybody other than ourselves. The millennials say the people fucked it up in the 80s; greed fucked it up in the 80s … My children, who have rich parents, which is me, and so their attitude about life is a lot different. Now the only saving graces that I’ve been very hard on — I don’t give my kids any money, I paid for their education to go to school, but now they’re out on their own. I am not leaving my kids any money; my money is all going to charity. I don’t give a fuck if my kids love me. I just want them to respect me when I’m dead.”
“… People ask if I have my life to live over again what I’d change. Number one, I would have set higher goals. Higher goals because I’ve fulfilled 90 percent of what I’ve said I’d fulfill, but I would have set higher goals. I would have gotten involved in coaching probably earlier because I’m really f*cking good at it. That’s an understatement — I’m not good at it, I’m probably — and I’m not being a bragger, but the numbers speak for themselves. I’m the most successful high performance coach on the face of the Earth and I’ve created more wealth than the whole industry cumulatively put together.”

“Is this guy or gal where you wanna be? If he or she is not where you wanna be, then stop. Number two: Did he or she make it ethically, morally, legally? Now the answer to those two questions, 99.99 percent of people that you’re ever gonna meet, the answer is no, no and no. Most people are living quiet lives of desperation.”